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At Wrenn School we seek to maintain a safe and structured environment which is based around our belief that ‘we should set no limits and accept no excuses’ and that all students can achieve great outcomes and success in their learning. At Wrenn School we work collaboratively with all stakeholders to establish a culture of high expectations, students are respectful, both in and out of lessons, and this is central to the school’s philosophy and our school ethos.

Work Hard - Great students work to the best of their ability and take pride in the work they do, in every lesson

Respect Others - Great students respect their classmates, teacher and staff. and themselves. Being polite, kind and understanding at all times

Enjoy Learning - Great students take an active part in their lesson, they listen well, give answers and show excellence in what they do and the way they present it.

Never Give Up - Great students work hard though 'healthy struggle' to make sure they are the best version of themselves and are resilient

Navigate your future - Great students ensure that they create opportunities for themselves to be successful by carrying out all of the other Wrenn values and striving to achieve

Unfortunately, there are occasions where a student may make a choice to not follow the school rules or the standards and expectations they know they need to uphold. On these occasions there is a need for sanctions and education to be put in place. In classrooms, there is a simple warning system of a verbal warning, and then lesson removal to our RESET room.

For serious breaches of the school policies a suspension or exclusion may be necessary. Further details can be found in the school policies and the Department for Education guidance.


GOV.UK School Exclusion