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The curriculum at Wrenn School is based on a bridging framework collaboratively designed by Heads of Subject from across the Creative Education Trust. This ensures that the curriculum we are implementing within the school is ambitious in the depth of knowledge being taught, as well as scope that it also covers. There is scope for local context, and flexibility for a variety of sequencing of content between assessment points. 

The curriculum at Wrenn has been designed with the aim that it contains the knowledge that all pupils need to be active citizens of world around them. Through its effective delivery, the curriculum will limit educational gaps and open doors to new understanding and new knowledge. 

Underpinning the curriculum is the ethos of “Proud to be Wrenn” 

Work Hard Respect Other Enjoy Learning Never Give Up Navigate your future 

To ensure this the curriculum will

  • Allow pupils to participate in a wide range of subjects and learning experiences.
  • Create an aspirational high achievement learning culture.
  • Consider the needs of all pupils, including those from disadvantaged background, and with SEND, by being designed with an understanding of how learners learn.
  • Sequence knowledge-rich concepts to lead to deep learning.
  • Ensure our students are fully prepared for their future.
  • Provide opportunities for students to explore how to keep themselves safe both in their community and the wider world

At Wrenn, our curriculum offer has been constructed to offer a broad range of subjects with enough time allocation to allow subject mastery of content.  

At KS4, 4 options are chosen. Triple Science takes one option block slot. All students need to select either Geography or History (or both). The subjects in each option block vary based on the choices of each year cohort. 

At KS5, 9 hours a fortnight are allocated to each subject, with student choosing 3 or 4 subjects each year. The subjects in each option block vary based on the choices of each year cohort. 

Careful consideration has been given to the co-curricular activities, and trips that are on offer for our pupils. The tracking of information is reviewed termly and reported to governors. This allows challenge to take place, ensuring equity of access for all pupils.  

At a whole school level, a timetable is constructed to specify what co-curricular activities are on each day, to support the learning of our pupils. Trips and events are also scheduled to tie in with curriculum content or enhance the school experience of pupils. These are reviewed on a termly basis.

Subject Hours a fortnight
  KS3 KS4
English 8 9
Maths 8 8
Science 6 8
History   3 Option  
Geography   3 Option  
MFL   3 Option  
PSHE   2 2
RE   2 Option  
Art   2 Option  
Music   2 Option  
Drama   2 Option  
PE   3 3
Computing   2 Option  
Design and Technology 2 Option  
Dance   2 Option  
KS4 Options   5
KS5 Options (per qualification)  
Single Qualification   9
Double Qualification   18
EPQ   3

More information about our curriculum can be obtained by emailing: 

Jo Grant
Vice Principal Quality of Education 

Wrenn School ensures that we make adaptations to the curriculum so that we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs through effective quality first teaching, scaffolding support through instruction and adapting work where appropriate. It is the aim of our school that all pupils have access to the same ambition curriculum. The SENDco and Assistant Principal for Educational gaps, along with all leaders, monitor and evaluate the performance of all relevant pupils, and act according to ensure equitable curriculum access.