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The Learning Support Base is located across both sites. At London Road there is an office facility and one dedicated classroom. On Doddington Road there are a suite of rooms that cater for a range of different student support needs.

Educational support is offered by a range of highly skilled support staff who cover a wide variety of learning challenges. The Wrenn Family collaborates with the wider school support network available to all students. The Northamptonshire County Council local SEND offer can be accessed here.

The learning support team offer support individually, in small group settings and in whole class groups to students who have learning challenges that include Cognition and Learning; Communication and Interaction, Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Physical and Sensory needs.

It is important for students, parents and staff to remember we have an open door policy and we are happy to speak to you about any concerns.

Hannah Jones – SENDCo –

Becki Horne – Deputy SENDCo –